Humanistiska fakultetsrådet, HFR
HFR samlar representanter från alla student- och doktorandråd vid Humanistiska fakulteten.
Nedan kan du hitta kontaktuppgifter till rådet, se var på SU vi utser studentrepresentanter och läsa våra protokoll. Om du hittar ett vakant förtroendeuppdrag du är intresserad av tar vi gärna emot din intresseanmälan via mail. Du kan också nominera dig själv på ett möte eller bli representerad på mötet av HFR-representanten för ditt lokala student- eller doktorandråd. För att mötet ska fungera smidigt rekommenderar vi dock att du maila din nominering i förväg.
E-post till HFR:
HFR gathers representatives from all student and PhD student councils at the Faculty of Humanities.
Below you can find contact information to the council, see what groups HFR elects representatives to and read our protocols. If you find a vacant position that you are intrested in nominate yourself by sending a written nomination via email. You can also nominate yourself at the meeting or be represented at the meeting by the HFR representative of your local student or PhD student council. However, to make the meeting run smoothly, it is advised to email your nomination in advance.
Email to HFR:
Styrelse/Board of HFR
Ordförande / Chair: Amanda Kann
Vice ordförande / Vice Chair: Zoé Pochon
Sekreterare / Secretary: Carl Tjernell
Kassör / Cashier: Natalia Kalyva
Beskrivning av uppdrag / Description of positions
Chair / Ordförande
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Vice ordförande / Vice chair
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Sekreterare / Secretary
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Kassör / Cashier
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Humanistiska fakultetsnämnden (HFN) / The Humanities Faculty Board (HFN)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Arbetsgruppen för utbildnings- och kvalitetsfrågor (HUGO) / The Preparatory Working Group for Education and Quality (HUGO)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Lärarförslagsnämnden / The Academic Appointments Board
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Budgetberedningen / The Budget Preparation Group
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Språkstudions referensgrupp / Language Studio Reference Group
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Stipendienämnden / The Scholarship Committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Styrelsen för Centrum för indoeuropeiska språk- och kulturstudier / The Board of Centre for Studies in Indo-European Languages and Culture
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.
Centrala studentrådet (CSR) / Central Student Council (CSR)
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Centrala doktorandrådet (CDR) / Central PhD Student Council (CDR)
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.
Groups within the Faculty of Humanities
Språkstudions referensgrupp / Language Studio Reference Group
Student representative: Kai Nuñez Wiklund
Student representative: Vacant
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Stipendienämnden / The Scholarship Committee
PhD representative: Signe Rirdance
Student representative: Natalia Kalyva
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Styrelsen för Centrum för indoeuropeiska språk- och kulturstudier / The Board of Centre for Studies in Indo-European Languages and Culture
PhD representative: Giada Brighi
PhD representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Centrala studentrådet (CSR) / Central Student Council (CSR)
Student representative: Magnus Ahltorp
Student representative: Natalia Kalyva
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Centrala doktorandrådet (CDR) / Central PhD Student Council (CDR)
PhD representative: Christian Schwieter
PhD representative: Anastasios Kapodistrias
Suppliant: Rebecca Borg
Suppliant: Vacant
Humanistiska fakultetsnämnden (HFN) / The Humanities Faculty Board (HFN)
Student representative: Magnus Ahltorp
Student representative: Carl Tjernell
PhD representative: My Fagerstedt
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Arbetsgruppen för utbildnings-
och kvalitetsfrågor (HUGO) / The Preparatory Working Group for Education and Quality (HUGO)
PhD representative: Amanda Kann
Student representative: Carl Tjernell
Suppliant: Natalia Kalyva
Suppliant: Vacant
Lärarförslagsnämnden / The Academic Appointments Board
Student representative: Magnus Ahltorp
PhD representative: Rebecca Borg
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Budgetberedningen / The Budget Preparation Group
PhD representative: Vacant
Student representative: Vacant
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant