Naturvetenskapliga fakultetsrådet (NFR)

NFR samlar representanter från alla student- och doktorandråd vid Naturvetenskapliga fakulteten.

Nedan kan du hitta kontaktuppgifter till rådet, se var på SU vi utser studentrepresentanter och läsa våra protokoll. Om du hittar ett vakant förtroendeuppdrag du är intresserad av tar vi gärna emot din intresseanmälan via mail. Du kan också nominera dig själv på ett möte eller bli representerad på mötet av NFR-representanten för ditt lokala student- eller doktorandråd. För att mötet ska fungera smidigt rekommenderar vi dock att du maila din nominering i förväg.

E-post till NFR:


NFR gathers representatives from all student and PhD student councils at the Faculty of Science.

Below you can find contact information to the council, see what groups NFR elects representatives to and read our protocols. If you find a vacant position that you are intrested in nominate yourself by sending a written nomination via email. You can also nominate yourself at the meeting or be represented at the meeting by the NFR representative of your local student or PhD student council. However, to make the meeting run smoothly, it is advised to email your nomination in advance.

Email to NFR:

Board of NFR

Chair: Sam Rajan
Vice chair: Gandharva Appagere
Vice chair: Ezra Eisbrenner
Vice chair: Vacant (1)

Upcoming meetings

  • September 10th at 16:30 in Kårsalen, bottom floor of Studenthuset.

  • October 22nd at 16:30 in Kårsalen, bottom floor of Studenthuset.

  • November 19th at 16:30 in Kårsalen, bottom floor of Studenthuset.

  • December 10th at 16:30 in Kårsalen, bottom floor of Studenthuset.

Beskrivning av uppdrag / Description of positions

Befordringsnämnd / Promotion board
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Centrala doktorandrådet / Central PhD Student Council (CDR)
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Centrala studentrådet / Central Student Council (CSR)
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Centrumstyrelsen vid Bolin Centre for Climate Research / Board for the Bolin Centre for Climate Research
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Centrumstyrelsen vid Stockholms matematikcentrum / Board of Stockholm Mathematics Centre (SMC)
Documents are in Swedish, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Centrumstyrelsen vid Stockholms universitets centrum för cirkulära och hållbara system / Board at Stockholm University Center for Circular and Sustainable Systems (SUCCeSS)
Documents are in Swedish and discussions are held in English. Non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Docentberedning / Senior Lecture Committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Forskarutbildningsberedning / Research Education Advisory Committee (FB)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Grundutbildningsberedning / Bachelor’s and Master’s committee (GB)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Grundutbildningsberedningens arbetsutskott / Working Group for Bachelor’s and Master’s Committee (GB-AU)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Informationsberedning / Information committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

IT-beredning / IT-committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Lärarförslagsnämnd / Academic Appointments Board
Documents are in Swedish, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Områdesnämnd / Faculty board (ON)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Områdesnämndens arbetsutskott / Preparatory Working Group for the Faculty Board (AU)
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Samverkansberedning / Advisory Committee for Collaborations
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Sektionsberedning / Section committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

SciLifeLab kommitté / SciLifeLab committee
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Stipendieberedning / Scholarship committee
Documents are in Swedish and discussions are held in English. Non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Styrelsen för Tarfala forskningstation / Board of Tarfala Research Station
Documents are in Swedish and discussions are held in English. Non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Styrgrupp vid BioResearch School / BioResearch School Steering Group
Documents are in Swedish and discussions are held in English. Non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Groups within the Faculty of Science

Befordringsnämnd / Promotion Board
Representative: Fillippo Schiavo
Representative: Vacant (1)
Alternate: Natalia Kuk

Centrala doktorandrådet / Central PhD Student Council (CDR)
PhD representative: Nielja Knecht
PhD representative: Unnimaya Thalakkale Veettil
Alternate: Gandharva Appagere

Centrala studentrådet / Central Student Council (CSR)
Student representative: Angela Ceballos Torres
Student representative: Vacant (1)
Alternate: Vacant

Centrumstyrelse vid Bolin Center for Climate Research / Board of Bohlin Center for Climate Research
PhD representative: Anna Strekalovskaya
Alternate: Daniella Lillieroth Charalambous

Docentberedningen / Senior Lecture Committee
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Forskarutbildningsberedning / Research Education Advisory Committee (FB)
PhD presentative from Biology: Vacant (1)
PhD presentative from Chemistry: Vacant (1)
PhD presentative from Earth and Environmental Sciences: Vacant (1)
PhD presentative from Mathematics-Physics: Ellen Riefel
Alternate: Vacant

Grundutbildningsberedning / Council for Bachelor and Master’s Committee (GB)
Student representative: Linnea Andersson
Student representative: Felix Almay
Student representative: Vacant (1)
Alternate: Vacant

Grundutbildningsberedningens arbetsutskott / Working Group for Bachelor’s and Master’s Committee (GB-AU)
Student representative: Linnea Andersson
Student representative: Felix Almay
Alternate: Vacant

Informationsberedningen / Information Committee
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

IT-beredningen / IT-committee
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Områdesnämnd för naturvetenskap / Faculty Board of Science (ON)
Representative: Vacant (3)
Alternate: Vacant

Områdesnämndens arbetsutskott / Preparatory Working Group for the Faculty Board (AU)
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Samverkansberedningen / Advisory Committee for Collaborations
Representative: Ulrika Gomm
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

SciLifeLab-kommitté / SciLifeLab Committee
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Stipendieberedningen / Scholarship Committee
Representative from Biology: Miren Urrutia Iturritza
Representative from Chemistry: Vacant (1)
Representative from Earth and Environmental Sciences: Ulrika Gomm
Representative from Mathematics-Physics: Filippo Schiavo
Alternate: Vacant

Styrelsen för Tarfala forskningstation / Board of Tarfala Research Station
Representative: Maare Heene
Representative: Johanna Grünmeier

Groups within the Biology Section

Lärarförslagsnämnd / Academic Appointments Board
Representative: Panagiotis Kalogeropoulos
Alternate: Vacant

Sektionsberedning / Section Committee
PhD representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Styrgrupp vid BioResearch School / BioResearch School Steering Group
PhD representative from DEEP: Nadia Binte Obaid
PhD representative from MBW: Elena Afanaseva
PhD representative from DIZ: Kathi Schneider
Alternate: Vacant

Groups within the Chemistry Section

Centrumstyrelsen vid Stockholms universitets Centre for Circular and Sustainable Systems / Board of Stockholm University Centre for Circular and Sustainable Systems (SUCCeSS)
PhD representative: Unnimaya Thalakkale Veettil
PhD representative: Yasmini Portes Abraham Silva
PhD representative: Vacant (1)
Alternate: Vacant

Lärarförslagsnämnd / Academic Appointments Board
Representative: Nasteho Hassan Ali
Alternate: Vacant

Sektionsberedning / Section Comittee
PhD representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant

Groups within the Earth and Environmental Sciences Section

Lärarförslagsnämnd / Academic Appointments Board
Representative: Devika Sunil Kumar
Alternate: Johanna Grünmeier

Sektionsberedningen / Section Committee
PhD presentative: Lukas Rimondini
PhD presentative: Vacant (1)
Alternate: Vacant

Groups within the Mathematics-Physics Section

Centrumstyrelsen vid Stockholms matematikcentrum / Board of Stockholm Mathematics Centre (SMC)
Representative: Nils Hemmingson
Representative: Felix Almay
Alternate: Vacant

Lärarförslagsnämnd / Academic Appointments Board
Representative: Natalia Kuk
Alternate: Filippo Schiavo

Sektionsberedning / Section committee
Representative: Felix Almay
Representative: Vacant (2)
Alternate: Vacant



Juridiska Linjerådet


Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsrådet, SFR