Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsrådet, SFR


SFR samlar representanter från alla student- och doktorandråd vid Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten. 

Nedan kan du hitta kontaktuppgifter till rådet, se var på SU vi utser studentrepresentanter och läsa våra protokoll. Om du hittar ett vakant förtroendeuppdrag du är intresserad av tar vi gärna emot din intresseanmälan via mail. Du kan också nominera dig själv på ett möte eller bli representerad på mötet av SFR-representanten för ditt lokala student- eller doktorandråd. För att mötet ska fungera smidigt rekommenderar vi dock att du maila din nominering i förväg. 

E-post till SFR:  


SFR gathers representatives from all student and PhD student councils at the Faculty of Social Science.  
Below you can find contact information to the council, see what groups SFR elects representatives to and read our protocols. If you find a vacant position that you are intrested in nominate yourself by sending a written nomination to . You can also nominate yourself at the meeting or be represented at the meeting by the SFR representative of your local student or PhD student council. However, to make the meeting run smoothly, it is advised to email your nomination in advance. 

Styrelse / Board of SFR

Ordförande / Chair: Susan Kemp
Vice ordförande / Vice Chair: Joaquim Cilli & Björn Nordvall
Sekreterare / Secretary: Björn Nordvall
Kassör / Cashier: Kia Aghababaie

Kommande möten/Upcoming meetings

  • Monday the 3rd of February, 16.00-18.00, Kårsalen

  • Thursday the 6th of March, 16.00-18.00, Zoom

  • Monday the 7th of April, 16.00-18.00, Kårsalen

  • Monday the 5th of May, 16.00-18.00, Zoom

  • Monday the 2nd of June, 16.00-18.00, Kårsalen

Beskrivning av uppdrag / Description of positions

If you are intrested in one of the positions please send an application to

Within the council

Ordförande/ Chair
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to apply.

Vice Ordförande/ Vice chair
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to apply.

Sekreterare/ Secretary
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to apply.

Kassör/ Cashier
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to apply.

Within the Faculty

Kårfullmäktige/ Representative assembly
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsnämnden / Faculty board of Social Science
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens arbetsgrupp för utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå, SAGA / The preparatory working group for undergraduate education, SAGA
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Arbetsgruppen för utbildning på forskarnivå / The preparatory working group for third cycle education
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Jämställdhetsgruppen / Equality group
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Budgetgruppen / Budget group
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Lärarförslagsnämnd I / Academic Appointments Board I
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Lärarförslagsnämnd II / Academic Appointments Board II
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Lärarförslagsnämnd III / Academic Appointments Board III
The position requires Swedish language proficiency.

Centrala studentrådet, CSR / Central Student Council, CSR
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Centrala doktorandrådet, CDR / Central PhD student Council, CDR
Documents are in English, discussions are held in English and non-Swedish speaking students are welcome to participate.

Groups within the Faculty of Social Science

Lärarförslagsnämnd I / Academic Appointments
Board I

Student representative: Mattias Stjernqvist
Student representative: Anna Ahlgren
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant

Lärarförslagsnämnd II / Academic Appointments
Board II

Student representative: Björn Nordvall
Student representative: Lisa Pitozzi
Suppliant: Ruslan Tsmokalo
Suppliant: Katerina Kasyanova

Lärarförslagsnämnd III / Academic Appointments
Board III

Student representative: Hanna Eriksson Gysell
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant

Centrala Studentrådet, CSR / Central Student Council, CSR

Student representative: Susan Kemp
Student representative: Joacim Ekengren
Suppliant: Vacant

Centrala Doktorandrådet, CDR / Central PhD student Council, CDR

PhD representative: Naman Rawat
PhD representative: Jack Odeo
Suppliant: Fariba Majlesi 

Samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetsnämnden / Faculty Board of Social Sciences

Student representative: Joacim Ekengren
Student representative: Rasmus Carlsson
Student representative: Ruslan Tsmokalo
Student representative: Mattias Stjernqvist
Student representative: Fariba Majlesi 
Student representative: Love Pihl
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant

Arbetsgruppen för utbildning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå, SAGA / The preparatory working group for undergraduate education, SAGA

Student representative: Rasmus Carlsson
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant

Arbetsgruppen för utbildning på forskarnivå / The preparatory working group for third cycle education

PhD representative: Fariba Majlesi 
PhD representative: Ana Tramosljanin
Suppliant: Vacant

Budgetgruppen / Budget group

Student representative: Love Phil
Student representative: Joaquim Cilli
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant

Jämställdhetsgruppen / Equality group

Student representative: Minh-Khoa Tran
Student representative: Vacant
Suppliant: Vacant



Naturvetenskapliga fakultetsrådet (NFR)